
Season 2 is just a few days away! The plot will focus heavily on…

Season 2 is just a few days away! The plot will focus heavily on…

Season 2 is just a few days away! The plot will focus heavily on the damage Bennu inflicted upon Leviathan before his death, and the ultimate fate of Leviathan. To learn more, pick up Snipe – Special Edition #5 that takes places several years ago and learn what Bennu was plotting all along. You can grab it here:

leviathanchronicles: Products

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An epic podcast with a brilliant plot, great narration and an amazing cast! An audio drama (rather than a "mere" audio book) indeed. Thank you, Christof, and the entire LC team and cast for all the work you have done to provide your listeners with so much high-class entertainment!...

- martinimnetz, -
