
Big news! The incredible and mighty Mur Lafferty (co-author of The Rogue Plague and…

Big news! The incredible and mighty Mur Lafferty (co-author of The Rogue Plague and…

Big news! The incredible and mighty Mur Lafferty (co-author of The Rogue Plague and The Ward & voice of Lorelei, the immortal sky artist) just won the John Campbell Award for Best New Writer at WorldCon. She so rocks!

Give her some props at and buy her latest book on Amazon. Details below.

Mur Lafferty wins the 2013 John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer

Mur Lafferty is the award for the 2013 John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. It is the award for the best new professional science fiction or fantasy writer of 2011 or 2012, It is sponsored b…
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An epic podcast with a brilliant plot, great narration and an amazing cast! An audio drama (rather than a "mere" audio book) indeed. Thank you, Christof, and the entire LC team and cast for all the work you have done to provide your listeners with so much high-class entertainment!...

- martinimnetz, -
